July 24, 2007

Learn to use an Outside Micrometer

Have you ever needed to measure the thickness of materials like paper, wires, dowel rods, stamps, cloth? You should consider using an Outside Micrometer! Don't be intimidated by the lack of a digital readout. They are easy to learn to use and:
  • An outside micrometer often has a larger range than other types of micrometers
  • An outside micromter is more affordable than the thickness gauge style micrometers which have a dial or digital face.
  • An outside micrometer may work in applications in which the measurement is taken in an awkward position or that requires a reach, whereas the thickness gauges require a much more steady hand with which to take the measurement.
  • A user with a larger hand span can learn to maneuver the outside micrometer with one hand.
  • And if you need to have an extra hand, you can purchase an outside micrometer stand.
So, if you are thinking about buying an outside micrometer, or you already own one and you are having trouble learning how to use it, read our "How to use a micrometer" page. It will tell you everything you need to know to take outside measurements using an outside micrometer with either a .001" or .0001" resolution.

--Happy Measuring!


Carolyn said...

How do you use a digital micrometer? I "inherited" the .0005"/.01mm digital micrometer through a former manager, but never received any training and cannot find an instruction manual. Do I need to zero-out before each reading or session? What is correct way to zero-out? What is the conversion from inches or mm to pounds (i.e. I need to determine if paper is 65 lb or 80 lb). I also need to determine the gsm since the printers/manufacturers I work with in China all specify their paper in gsm (we typically use 120) and I need to verify that they are using the paper we approved.


blueharmony said...

Hi Carolyn,

Please check out our references at: http://pgiinc.com/references.html.

We have several that may help answser your questions.

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